Thursday 29 November 2012

Chapter 1:- What is love???


           What is love???

Laugh like you are three years old.Walk like you own the world. Love like there is nothing else left to do.Dance like you are the king.Kiss like you are the most beautiful creature. Sing like you have no opponents and finally Live like the world is gonna end the next moment…

 I, Samyuktha Ganesh is one of those people who didn’t realize the danger of love and believed in the innocence of it.I am waiting for the that one guy who would sweep me off my feet .I’m not Pretty,infact not even close.But I have the next door girl feel and is one of those girls whom you pause by to give a second look ,not because of their appearance but because you just felt like glancing at them one more  time.I always have an aura of happiness around me.I like to laugh.By laughing,what I really mean is that open hearted care free laughter ,not worrying about what people might think.And I don’t mean that very careful slightest twist of your mouth making sure that the lip gloss doesn’t get affected.But that’s what most of the girls do when they are asked to laugh.What they don’t realize is that Smile is the prettiest make up that can be ever worn by a girl.A smile makes you beautiful.It makes you feel like a princess.Special !!!

Apart from all these old beliefs,I am a normal college girl with a huge lot of friends.I like to have fun…a lot of fun.I always  see the good in people and ignore the bad in them.And maybe because of that I seemed to manage to get myself into a gang of stupidest wonderful people who can be ever found on this Earth.Vats,Arun,Preethi,Aasha,Sai,Loki ,Ajay,Pavana and Sugi.I think we were deemed to be together .Maybe,that’s why we have the same mind set and craziest way of looking at things.If you ever get time to visit  Sastra University and find a gang of people laughing their heads out about something stupid,then probably it would be us.To make sure its us,all you need to check is for a girl whose laughter is deafening and absolutely terrifying.If you can,it means you just spotted Preethi Sriram.She is a very close friend of mine and has the most interesting attitude ever.And you will definitely find her shouting at someone ,and that guy would be Sai,the funniest person in our gang.He is very good at heart and is capable of facing “anything” with a grin stretched on his face and that anything includes two angry girls wearing pin pointed heels.

And If you want to know who I am…all you need to do is to search for a girl who is carrying a charger,a laptop and few other materials and is talking to another guy wearing funny looking specs and is acting like he dwelling in another planet.The guy you will finding me talking ..hmm scolding will be a better word is Srivatsan.S.Iyer.I have never met anyone like him in my life before.He is the weirdest creature.He will be talking to you for an instant and the next instant you will be left all alone rattling.And he is so careless.He forgets his mobile,laptop,charger and only god knows what else.Apart from these,he is a nice companion to hang out with ,unless you do something that irritates him.Because,he knows a dictionary of bad words and Sai knows that better than anyone.

And if you see someone busily eating then that would be Arunkumar.He has lot of fans in Sastra for his well maintained gym body and only we know the secret behind-Hot Puris from our college canteen.Arun is a cool friend and is a very reserved type.He is very helpful and likes to show off a little bit.By showing off,what I mean is like shouting in front of a locked door and calling the non existing people out for a fight.I think you will get his character very clearly now.
And Loki is very easy to identify.If you see a guy with earphones pulled on and talking to a group of girls about stuffs like Skyfall,dance,novels ,computer and songs,no need to hesitate at all, it is definitely Loki .He is very different from all of us both in character and way of thinking .And he is fond of hindi.. I mean hindi as a language you know…!!!

So,these are my friends..our gang..!!!!
 and now I’m very much pleased that by reading this ,now you can also be a part of my  love story..sorry sorry sorry our love stories..!!!
Yes..Our love stories…!!!
Now,one final question..

What is love??

It’s the most hypothetical question ever asked.What is love?? What is love??Does anyone know the answer for this question?Do you??..Because I myself don’t know..nobody does and that’s why its called love .Its a mystery..that too a beautiful mystery.Mysteries are themselves very attractive.They pull you towards them and love is top on such mysteries list.It smiles at you like a small kid in the beginning.And then it can so painful painful at the end that it leaves you suffocating.When there is no oxygen to breathe,now tell me,where is the possibility of a smile?

1 comment:

  1. "Smile is the prettiest make up that can be ever worn by a girl" tanjore kalvetulayae sethukalam... but what s love???? yen indha title???
